Emerging tools make it possible for us to pre-schedule and automate common interactions such as social media posting, frequently-asked questions, and calendaring.

We will do a survey of the following tools and how they’re being used to share content: IFTTT, RSS feeds, Google alerts, RunDexter and Twilio for SMS “me-bot” chat, Calendly, Instagram and Twitter pre-scheduling through Buffer, and Chatfuel for Facebook Messenger.

Attendees will takeaway five “recipes” they may then implement to automate some of their content promotion.

Session pre-work:

1) Sign up for an IFTTT.com account
2) Sign up for a Bufferapp.com account
3) Set up a few Google “alerts” at: alerts.google.com
Special Cases:
4) For those wanting to set up a chat through Messenger / Facebook Page Managers, sign up for a ChatFuel.com account
5) For those wanting to set up a SMS chatbot, connect with a Twilio account and a RunDexter account
6) For those wanting to set up scheduling, set up a Calendly.com
We will review slides for demonstration purposes and then make time available for participants who want to set up their own recipes.